Here’s a list of some of the principle characters of My Bigger Boyfriend, along with some individuals who’ve made appearances from time to time, and who may someday return!

Pride Possum works as a bartender at an LGBTQ+ nightclub. He’s out and proud (and loves his first name), and he loves his boyfriend Ocean with all his heart, even if he can be a bit exasperating at times. And he still loves and accepts him after Ocean becomes a huge HIMBO, even if it does make some of their problems bigger too!

Patreon is a platform where fans can support their favorite creator’s work. For a small monthly pledge you can read My Bigger Boyfriend strips two weeks early. At higher tiers you can get an exclusive look at other comics, behind-the-scenes work, and more!

Ocean Otter can be a bit of a flake. He’s clumsy, forgetful, and tends to space out from time to time. But he’s got a good heart and he always means well, and he loves his boyfriend Pride just as dearly as Pride loves him. Being changed from a 4’8” fluff to a 9’2” monster is a bit of a shock to him. He’s still as clumsy and spacey as ever, but he’s a big hit at the gay bar.

Lance Lion is the owner of the Lavender Lion, the LGBTQ+ nightclub where Pride works. He’s gay and transgender, but he’s worked his way to being a successful small business owner and doesn’t take bull from anybody. He appreciates Pride as his best employee, but worries sometimes about Ocean dragging him down.

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Oona Otter is Ocean’s cousin, who works as a receptionist at Genet•ix Labs and helped him get his recent job there.

“Science Dude” works on research at Genet•ix Labs. He ran into Ocean during his first day on the job and accidentally helped set his future path into motion.

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